
Christmas Photo Shoot 2017

by - января 03, 2018

December 2017 turned out to be the most challenging month for me since the graduation times. On friend's request I've organized a small Christmas photo shoot, that actually has turned into a big one, and eventually into a whole adventure, filled with fun, laughter, energy, amazing vibes and hard work of course. During this time I took thousands of pics of the coolest families out there, I got lucky to meet some great people, both young and adult, some wonderful babies and toddlers, all with their own spirits and tempers, so various and different, and yet so alike! Seeing all those smiles, either it's a classic princess' look or a pirate's tricky glance, capturing those magic moments of interaction between siblings, parents and their children, or a loving couple was just as great as viewing Japanese sakura, Icelandic waterfalls or Santorini sunset earlier this year - trust me, it means a lot. So I've decided to share a few memories here, just to keep them for myself.

So yes, there was a few problems I had to deal with on the way to my very first photo shoot. Christmas theme is by far the most popular among them all, so preps and decorations were easy to find, especially in December. Lights were trickier, since it's dark outside and well, you know, we need a good light to make a proper photo. Managed that too. Location of shooting was also important, since not everyone has an opportunity or time to go somewhere far for a photo shoot. Yet again, timing is important - it get's dark pretty quick (and actually it get's bright not that early these mornings either), plus little kids tend to sleep during the day, and you have to consider their regime as well. 

Another problem with mini sessions is they don't allow sufficient time for the family to warm up to the shoot or the kids to establish a relationship and trust with the photographer. I cannot walk up to a family I've never met and get emotion, laughter, love, and happiness in a 10 minute session. It just takes longer. So you are basically still spending almost the same time on mini shoots as a full session, but the point is you enjoy the process!

Just a test shot, before the big session, but it is my favorite nevertheless :) My family.

The solution I've come up with has worked really well for now, and that is to do the mini sessions at my home studio. It is convenient for me as a photographer, 'cause all I have and might need is located literally in this very house. As it turned out, families I took pictures of loved it too - they were not my clients at a professional studio, but guests at my home. This way we were interacting as friends and not as business partners, there was less pressure for them to look perfect in front of the camera and surely more toys for their kids to play around while we were shooting. (I myself have a 3 y.o. daughter, in case you forgot).   

Anyways, here are my favorite photos of this photo shoot. I enjoyed every single minute of the process, every glimpse and glance, every joke and funny face I got to hear, see and shoot, and I'm pretty sure there's a lot of smiles for me to capture in the nearest future :)

Little Oscar. He was very shy at first, but in the end I managed to capture the most adorable smile (this isn't it, btw :) 

Miles and Allie, the funniest siblings I got lucky to work with. Their bananasaur is forever in my heart!  

Hugh, who's birthday is exactly on Christmas. How cool is that?

Arush, the most serious among all the kids. Yet very cooperative if you offer him a guitar :)

Emily and Haile, loving and caring about each other. And their family look was just amazing! 

Sofia and Solomia, two Elsas, two princesses, two sisters. They love sparkles. And gummy bears :)

Baby Elias. The youngest participant of the shooting and the owner of the bluest eyes I've ever seen. 

Maximilian aka Max. Was really inspired when talking about his "fight" with a friend at a Krippe :)

Nikolaj and Michael - I was the reason of their parents' relationships. Funny as always :)

Little Zoe. Wonderful moves, the coolest vibes. I made the hairstyle ;)

Freja, my daughter's best girl friend. Always there to share a doll or two :)

Baby Nazar. Doesn't like to sit still (obviously). Loves big balls :)  

Natalie and Michelle. Just as cool as they look.

What's next now? One of the incredible things about what I'm going to do is outdoor family photo shoots on location. I have had the most amazing experiences outdoors (check out my instagram  or a facebook account to find out more), so I'm sure that with other families, whether we'll run through a field, walk down a path or dip our feet in the cool lake water, we're gonna capture a true magic. It is a beautiful thing to see families come alive in how they interact with one another, how they are in their very element.

There is something very special in doing what I do, and I love it. The joy of working with incredible people, incredible families, incredible little ones. The joy of capturing each one’s unique beauty and presence. The joy of getting to see people exactly as they are. Beautiful and on purpose.

And I seem to have finally found some fun and cute sets that don't break the bank and allow me to put up a few more themed backdrops for family photography, so I'll keep organize some new sessions at my home in the future. Don't know about you but I personally love to have themed artwork around my house to go with the different seasons. Nobody wants all Christmas photos in their house all the time (do they?) As long as I can make the time I will continue to do these mini sessions as a thank you to my favorite clients, friends, and family (and for fun)! As a matter of fact I already have been hit with inspiration for the next one and it is totally spring themed so someone please stop me before I go crazy! 

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